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AFP Greater Vancouver – Government Relations Update

Dear AFP Greater Vancouver Members, Your Government Relations Committee is pleased to share with you an update about recent advocacy work on behalf of the membership base. Provincial Advocacy: In December, shortly after the creation of the 43rd Parliament of British Columbia, this committee along with our colleagues at AFP Vancouver Island and AFP Interior …

Thank You Message From President, Sofia Janmohamed

Dear AFP Members and Friends, As I conclude my two-year term as President today, I want to share that it has been a true honour to serve the membership and a most humbling opportunity to do so through a pandemic. I look forward to continuing to serve you as Immediate Past President for my final term. …

2022 Annual General Meeting Report Highlights

By Sofia Janmohamed It is my sincere honour and privilege to share with you, our membership, volunteers, and special guests, my second, and final President’s Report for the Greater Vancouver Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. While 2020 was a unique year filled with many challenges and unknowns, 2021 provided a year of reflection …

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