The AFP Greater Vancouver Chapter relies on volunteer committees to develop and manage programs that provide value to its membership, including Professional Development, Accreditation, National Philanthropy Day, Mentorship and Scholarship and more. Interested in joining an AFP Greater Vancouver Chapter committee?
Ellyn Schriber
Growth & Development Officer, Delta Sport Development Centre- Delta Gymnastics Society
Volunteer Co-Chair, NPD & GHA Committee
I was originally introduced to AFP’s National Philanthropy Day (NPD) when the newspaper I worked for, the Vancouver Courier, sponsored the annual NPD luncheon at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre.
Every year, I looked forward to attending the Giving Hearts Awards Luncheon and was enthralled by all the incredible stories of philanthropy. The keynote speakers were inspiring to listen to, and I admired the non-profit community for creating such a wonderful program to honour those who go over and above in their generosity. I admired it so much that I eventually moved into the non-profit sector! I wanted to be a part of that warm and welcoming community that centres around giving.
I still attended the luncheon but wanted to do more so I reached out to the NPD committee and offered to volunteer. That was seven years ago, and I am still a volunteer! Every year I consider stepping away but each year I meet a new group of fantastic people and reconnect with past volunteers who I had such great times with. I was the Giving Hearts Awards (GHA) Lead last year having moved from GHA nominations.
Each year on the committee is met with new excitement, a passion for philanthropy and the desire that all committee members pursue their dreams. It is a supportive, progressive, and fun group! This year I am co-chair of the committee and love the challenge that this volunteer role will bring.
I remember one past volunteer who said, “Why wouldn’t I volunteer for AFP’s NPD? These are my people.” I couldn’t have said it better.
Mandy Wu
Development Officer, Greater Vancouver Food Bank
Volunteer Stewardship Lead, NPD & GHA Committee
For me, it all started with volunteering.
I’ve never really planned out my career path. After graduating from UBC with a Nutritional Sciences degree, I figured that wasn’t what I wanted to pursue. Then I stumbled across an Event Marketing Associate Certificate Program at BCIT- that seemed fun. Knowing very little about the Events field, I figured the best strategy was to be involved in volunteering.
At that time, Canadian Cancer Society was looking for volunteers to join their planning committee for the Tri-Cities Daffodil Dash. I stayed for another year after that to help in the Relay for Life planning committee. The more involved I got, the more interested I became in the world of fundraising. I love the people, and the rewarding feeling of being able to help someone else in need. These volunteering experiences helped me secure my full-time position in the field and kickstarted my non-profit journey!
I wanted to connect with other like-minded professionals, broaden my horizons, and learn more about this sector, so I decided to join the AFP Greater Vancouver Chapter NPD Committee. I started as a Marketing and Communications Coordinator, moved onto Social Media Lead, and am now involved in the new role of Stewardship Lead. Fun time flies and I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I joined. I love every moment of it. It is incredible to volunteer with a passionate group and work towards a common goal.
If you’re looking for a worthwhile volunteering opportunity with a group of fun, inclusive, and passionate professionals, do consider joining the NPD committee! What have you got to lose?